Judy Gross
“I do all the cleaning in the milking parlor. There are 20 milking machines here so that’s a lot of cleaning. I come in and clean them twice a day, after each milking. Soap and brushes that is what I use. After I clean, I separate the cream to make butter. I make sure the kitchen has 25 gallons of milk every day. I also make cottage cheese. Once a week the ladies, that are over 50, take turns to help me clean the upper part. I do all the rest myself. Every Sunday evening I do a more thorough cleaning and then once a year we do a real thorough cleaning from top to bottom. We also have a milk warmer in here that we use to warm the milk for the calves, and then it pumps the milk right into the bottles. That’s really nice in the winter for the calves. My husband is the dairy manager and my two sons also work in the diary. One time my son said…”Mom, it’s just not right. What’s not right, I asked. This is a dairy and you are burning candles in here, it smells too much like home. It’s just not right”. I like to tease them.”
#agriculture #hutteriancolony #dairy